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Savior Washing Feet - Aug. VT Message

In case you don't know what visiting teaching is. It sounds kind of strange. In the LDS church there is something called Relief Society. There are three hours of church: sacrament meeting, Sunday school and then Relief Society or for the men, Priesthood (for youth, young women's and young men's and for kids, primary). It is essentially women empowering, comforting & strengthening each other. It is a group designed to be leaders, teachers & friends. Visiting teaching is when women are assigned to other women in the ward to look out for, prepare a monthly visit, lesson and always be a quick phone call away. It is amazing. So, I used to be pretty terrible at visiting teaching. I would just wait for my partner to call me. Then I was partnered with a woman who's thoughtfulness & friendship made a difference in my life. She is a woman who I aspire to be like. She's similar to my mother. With those two amazing women to look up to, I have lots of work to do. Now I'm trying to be better at being that visiting teaching friend just a phone call away. So I'm using a talents the Lord has blessed me with, to motivate me. This is this month's lesson with a lettered thought & recipe for foot scrub. The Lord in his final days before dying on the cross had a last supper with His apostles. In this meeting He washed their feet. Peter told the Lord, no I can't possible have my master wash my feet and the Lord commanded him. Then, Peter humbled himself and accepted the Lord's washing. 14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. I love that the Savior our master set the example to wash His apostles feet. As a leader and Master, He was meek and humble as He served His servants. His counselors were also humble in letting their master serve them. The message I lettered is the scripture shared in the ensign message. Along with foot scrub made for each sister. This is the recipe & at the bottom are free printables. Use them as you please, but please do not sell them (obviously). Just click on them to go to the printable link.

Warm Vanilla Sugar foot scrub 2 cups Epsom salt 3/4 cup vegetable oil 3 t. Vanilla extract 4 T sugar Makes 5 small jars or one large jar



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